Feline Thyroid Treatment in Brookfield:
Location and Directions

Thyro-Cat is located at
Complete Cat Veterinary Clinic
32 Old New Milford Road
Brookfield, CT 06804

Thyro-Cat Feline Hyperthyroid Treatment Center in Brookfield/Danbury, CT is conveniently located near Route 7.
Visit us at Complete Cat Veterinary Clinic for diagnosis, treatment, and maintenance of your cat's hyperthyroid condition.

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Thyro-Cat offers feline hyperthyroidism treatment for cats at centers in Danbury, CT, Stamford, CT, Long Island, NY, and Queensbury, NY. Our state-of-the-art centers use radioiodine therapy which is proven to be a fast, safe and effective method of treatment for feline hyperthyroidism. With one quick shot and one short stay, we offer your beloved cat a permanent cure.
32 Old New Milford Road